Frequently Asked Questions

Worldwide Call Centers (WCC) has been helping our global client base hire great call center agencies since 1998.  Our Senior Advisors have answered tens of thousands of questions about call center outsourcing over the years. We are here to help you save money, increase sales, improve customer support, and scale operations effectively.  Here are a few answers to the most frequently asked questions:

A call center agency is a professional company with brick & mortar or cloud based facilities. They stand ready to handle all types of customer support, sales, lead generation, or back office processing applications. These call centers can be located around the world including the US, Canada, Europe, Asia & Latin America. Their call center agents will answer the phone, emails or messages in the name of your company. Moreover, most clients will never know that you have hired an outside partner. Call center agencies offer a great way to minimize fixed costs, improve customer support, increase sales production, scale operations, and maximize your flexibility.

WCC is a call center consulting company that is dedicated to enhancing the outsourcing process. We do not own a call center. Our consultants will analyze your unique situation and provide referrals to 4-5 of the BEST call centers available. Over 100 call center agencies around the world have agreements with WCC, by which a small commission is paid on the revenue generated by each client. Therefore, our consulting services are provided at NO CHARGE to the client. This ensures that our goals are certainly aligned with our clients and our call centers. We strive to develop win-win-win outsourcing partnerships that last for years (not weeks or months).

Call Center Outsourcing is the process of hiring a call center agency to handle your customer support, sales, lead generation or back office processing. You can outsource to any agency from those close to home or those halfway around the world. We specialize in being the expert third party to this outsourcing process.

Improving customer support to your customers is often a difficult task. Human resource & technology issues can complicate the situation even further. Therefore, outsourcing to a call center partner can often be a great way to pull in talented agents, upgrade to the best technology, and improve customer support with the flip of a switch!

The advantages of outsourcing to a professional call center include:

  • Flexibility to handle volume that is sporadic or seasonal.
  • Decrease fixed costs
  • Enhanced agent talent pool
  • Scalability to ramp up quickly as business improves
  • Improving customer support
  • Ability to immediately upgrade technology by utilizing a state of the art call center.

Our team works with a wide variety of solid, professional call center agencies. WCC call centers are generally mid-sized companies that have been in business for at least 5 years. Furthermore, they normally range from 100 to 2,000 seats and are located throughout the U.S., Canada, Latin America, The Philippines, India, Middle East, and South Africa.

Working with WCC presents many advantages for many different types of companies. Here are just a few we hang our hat on:

  • Eliminate Trial & Error – It is no secret that you can search trade publications or the internet for call centers; however, we have outsourced millions of hours of call center work over the years and know the call centers that really perform. Most call centers will promise the moon – we know who has delivered!
  • Experience – Our Senior Advisors have outsourced hundreds of call center campaigns spanning multiple decades.  They have seen just about every type of campaign and are able to leverage this experience to maximize your chances of success.
  • Leverage – Some of our new clients have had negative experiences with external call centers in the past. Therefore, our advisors endeavor to make sure that doesn’t happen again!  As such, the vast majority of the call centers in the WCC Network have from 2 to as many as 20+ WCC clients. This provides your business with an invaluable insurance policy for your customer service needs. Our call centers have added incentives to perform for every WCC Client – a majority of their business may depend on it!
  • It’s Free! – The call centers in The WCC Network agree to pay a modest commission. Therefore, our services are FREE to clients and pricing from the call centers is highly competitive. This creates a genuine win-win-win situation for all parties.

Increasing sales is always of goal of most innovative businesses. However, most companies struggle to find new ways to start the “sales engine”. Outsourcing allows you to dramatically leverage the investments in technology and manpower already made by professional call center agencies. Therefore, our call center partners stand ready ramp the number of telemarketing agents on the phone and boost your conversions. WCC is ready to help you increase sales today!

Internal call center operations can be expensive. Outsourcing can be a great way to turn fixed call center costs into variables ones. This provides valuable flexibility and also ensures that you only pay for the agents you really need on a daily basis. Hiring an international call center in low cost locations like Mexico, Jamaica, India, The Philippines, & Eastern Europe can also save your company even more money.

Outsourcing costs vary greatly based on the location of your partner. An in-depth breakdown of the factors that effect call center pricing can be found here. When you are ready to get some outsourcing proposals for your company, please call to discuss!

Hiring a call center is actually a fairly easy process, especially when you work with us! WCC has been in business since 1998 and we will happily guide you through every step of the process. From initial analysis of the situation, to country selection, and introduction to quality call center agencies, we are “Your Call Center Outsourcing Experts” and will help you hire a call center partner today!

Finding ways to improve customer support provided by your company is vital to long term success. Outsourcing to a professional call center is a great way to improve customer support stats like abandonment rate, average answer time, & average handle time. In addition, most call center agencies have advanced technology to help service your customers more effectively and efficiently.

WCC call centers are found in any location that can supply a productive workforce at a reasonable cost.  In our opinion, some of the best locations today are in the US, Canada, India, The Philippines, South Africa, Latin America, & Eastern Europe.

Telemarketing is the act of utilizing a telephone to market a product or service via outbound calls to businesses or consumers. To this end, many businesses conduct telemarketing operations with internal agents or by hiring an external call center agency. WCC is a call center consulting company that can help your business increase sales by outsourcing your telemarketing to a top call center service in the US, Europe, Asia or Latin America.

Almost every business needs more leads. The problem is generating them at a reasonable cost. Outbound call center agencies (either nearshore or offshore) might be a great way to decrease the cost per lead. These agencies can also allow you to open up new markets and new databases that were not feasible internally. Offshore outsourcing can supercharge your lead generation and increase sales today!

We recommend the following sites for industry information:

Please visit our page on the Nine Advantages of Outsourcing to find out how WCC can help your company successfully hire a great call center partner.

Worldwide Call Centers will help you outsource your customer service, sales, lead generation, market research, telemarketing, sales, & more.  Call today to start a discussion with our Senior Advisors.

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